Tuesday, November 9, 2010

at school... again

well here i am, in sixth period, on the computer, bloggin on ma blog...at school...cuz im bored...


YAY i now have one hundred views on my blog! if you look at the map gadget you will see that someone in Denmark looked at my blog! hehe that just makes me happy :D

Monday, November 8, 2010

have you ever thought

have you ever thought about how much we drink coffee? it's kinda something we have on a daily basis (well for me at least). (i don't really have a point in posting this)

a rainbow office

i saw another rainbow thing on a blog called swiss miss.com

this is just awesome

how can you not laugh at this!!!

help Haiti

have you ever thought a bout how miserable people are in Haiti? they starve everyday!
don't just sit here and read this post, go HELP HAITI! don't sit and think that that is some other peoples job. it is. but there aren't enough people who care about suffering lives

Sunday, November 7, 2010

in case of emergency

have you ever been in a situation where someone you are close to is sad and needs to be cheered up? then you can do several things
  1. walk away
  2. sit there and watch your sad friend
  3. call a funny person to cheer them up
  4. tell your sad friend to see a comedian
  5. if all else fails, then use an emergency clown nose!
the emergency clown nose is made for situations exactly like this!
(i bet they have one of these at a cracker barrel somewhere... i need one of these!)

do me a favor

could you please do me a favor and help me reach a hundred views? just tell the world bout my blog............ please.

did i mention

did i mention that i LOVE rainbows (they just fascinate me)

Saturday, November 6, 2010


inspire or get inspired

today is your day

my tennis couch always says "today is your day". every Monday at practice.
today is my day so I'll create something beautiful.

Never say no to Panda!

make the best

the best way to go through life is to enjoy every minute of it and allow yourself to be inspired.
  • dance as though no one is watching, don't think about looking retarded
  • love as though you have never been hurt before, make people feel how you would want to feel on a bad day
  • sing as though no one can hear you, let it out
  • live as though heaven is on earth, because eventually it will be
feel good and make the best of life


so i put some more songs on my playlist and some of them aren't techno just so you know. but they are songs that i thought were interesting (in a strange way)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010